25/5 - Djoko amps 113 pmps 85 - Djoko's dental tomorrow - I cannot trust this clinic anymore

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Marj & Djoko, May 25, 2021.

  1. Marj & Djoko

    Marj & Djoko Member

    Mar 4, 2020

    I am so upset. I dropped Djoko's to the emergency clinic so that he can be injected fluids before his dental tomorrow as recommended by the dentistry team. I have been in touch with the he admin/coordinator of the clinic and told her that Djoko's shot was at 6PM and if he got admitted at 6h30PM that they would need to keep feeding him a bit because he eats little by little and of course that they would need to keep testing him. I have spent hours today to write instructions because this admin/coordinator told me that the technician would read them carefully but as I feared, this was just bullshit.

    I called at 9h30pm and asked how he was doing, if he had eaten because he had only be fed 1/2 of his food at pre-shot (which is the routine and as mentioned in the instructions). Well well, the receptionist did not want to give me any update. I had to insist. I finally spoke with a tech. She said that Djoko had been tested upon admission at 7pm and not after - I HAD SPECIFICALLY TOLD THE ADMIN/COORDINATOR TO NOT RELY ON THIS ADMISSION BG TESTING AND WROTE THIS IN MY INSTRUCTIONS but yet, they did not follow my instructions, they did not feed him and they did not test him after 7pm. I had to beg her and almost cried so that he gets tested. At this point, I was ready to discharge him.
    She said I have been a technician in this field for 15 years. I said well you should know then that lantus takes 1h30-1h40 to kick in and that when you tested him, the insulin had not started to take effect. On the written instructions I was given and that the admin/coordinator told me over the phone, it was mentioned that Djoko could eat until 10pm. On the instructions that the tech received, Djoko could not eat after 7PM! How come they didnt tell me? I would not have sent 4 labelled tupperwares with food and I would have given his less insulin. My boyfriend was yelling in the back - TEST HIM NOW. She said his language was abusive. But hey - they never listen to us. I had to tell her that I am a lawyer to be taken seriously (and maybe fear of liability if something happens). Even after that, she said that she could not test him without vet approval. She finally tested him so that I can sleep (her words!) and he was at 104 at +4. At this point, I am wondering if this is the real number or if she made that up. This could have been serious. I am so pissed and I cannot believe my cat will be in their hands. This was my fear and it has materialized. They do not listen to pet's owner, they think we do not know anything although we have been the ones caring for them everyday. They maybe trained in their field but I know my cat better than they do. I am so mad at this incompetence and this PR operation. 4500$ this operation and this is how they treat me and Djoko? Oh and the tech said: I know it is difficult to lose control. Dude, this is not about losing control, this is about safety!!!!!

    (sorry for all the typo and mistakes - I am French Canadian)
  2. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    I can’t believe the incompetence. Prayers that the dental goes well and he comes home tomorrow to begin his road to recovery.
    Marj & Djoko likes this.
  3. Liz & Minnie

    Liz & Minnie Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2021
    Oh I am SO sorry to hear this. It is so frustrating. I hope the dental goes well and you know never to go back to that place again. :bighug:
    Marj & Djoko likes this.
  4. Purrberry

    Purrberry Member

    Dec 11, 2020
    WOW. I'd be furious as well. Can't test without vet approval?? That's absurd.

    Fingers crossed for Djoko today...please let us know how it goes!
    Marj & Djoko likes this.

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