? 5/21 Rudy AMPS 240 Feeling discouraged today.

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by SweetGreyRudy, May 21, 2024.

  1. SweetGreyRudy

    SweetGreyRudy Member

    Mar 20, 2024
    Yesterday was tough, didn't get to posting. Here's the link from 5/19:

    Seems like Rudy's really fighting to get lower at 3.75U, should we go up to 4U? He's still eating all his food, but has even less energy now than before. He's purring less, doesn't come when we call him anymore, and just lays on the floor with his eyes open. This morning, he struggled to jump up on our kitchen chair that normally is very easy for him. I'm waiting for him to use the litter box to test for ketones and will update this thread when I get that reading. I'm also finding that it's hard the past few days to get blood from his ears, even with the normal tricks. Is this normal? I just feel like we're back at square one, if not worse.

    @Wendy&Neko @Staci & Ivy @Angela & Cleo thoughts about Rudy increasing? Also, have you found that with increasing doses/lots of bouncing, the symptoms seem worse?
    Staci & Ivy and Angela & Cleo like this.
  2. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Time for 4.0 units. You could increase sooner if you could get more mid cycle tests. Which are actually required if following TR. The longer he stays at a dose, the more likely he is to get used to higher numbers.

    He needs more insulin. Bouncing is not a problem, it is a sign of the insulin getting him to numbers he's not yet used to. Only when he spends loads of time in normal BG numbers will the bouncing diminish.
    Bella & Puddin likes this.
  3. SweetGreyRudy

    SweetGreyRudy Member

    Mar 20, 2024
  4. Angela & Cleo

    Angela & Cleo Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2022
    It's good to switch up the testing times. We're not just looking for nadir (which can be at +6 but has been known to move around), we're also looking for onset and duration. Varying the testing times will help fill in the insulin puzzle. From
    Sticky The Basics: New to the Group? Start here!
    Learn how YOUR kitty is responding to insulin:
    • Onset - the length of time before insulin reaches the bloodstream & begins lowering blood glucose
    • Peak/Nadir - the lowest point in the cycle
    • Duration - the length of time insulin continues to lower blood glucose
    Here's another great link
    Should I Increase the Dose?
  5. SweetGreyRudy

    SweetGreyRudy Member

    Mar 20, 2024
    Thank you! Just when we think we're doing the right thing and have the system down :p
    Angela & Cleo likes this.
  6. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    I hope Rudy is feeling better. Sorry to hear he wasn’t up to his usual jumping today.
    Keep doing the tricks to warm up his ears for poking them.
    Bouncing is very normal so try not to feel too discouraged. Ivy is still bouncing and we are here over a year.
    Sending you support and positive energy. It’s a slow process :banghead:
    Wishing you a calm and relaxing night :bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Bella & Puddin likes this.
  7. SweetGreyRudy

    SweetGreyRudy Member

    Mar 20, 2024
    Thanks for the kind words, we needed it today. He had some really good numbers this afternoon. Were getting a Libre put in on Friday so get some good data, since our work schedules just don't allow us to get lots of tests in always.
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  8. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Are you getting the Libre 3?
    I suggest that version so you can monitor remotely and don’t have to physically scan him. (I like the Libre 3 better for that reason).
    You can both have the app on your own phone and see what his numbers are 24/7.
    You need a dedicated phone to leave at home with him (no service is needed for his phone, just wifi and Bluetooth). :)
    xelo y sinver likes this.
  9. SweetGreyRudy

    SweetGreyRudy Member

    Mar 20, 2024
    Yes, we're getting the Libre 3 on Friday. I just posted more info today!
    Staci & Ivy likes this.

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