5/22, Binie AMPS 500, +3 345, +6 196

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Heike & BInie, May 22, 2024.

  1. Heike & BInie

    Heike & BInie Member

    Mar 3, 2024
    Last post: https://www.felinediabetes.com/FDMB...-in-a-row-sudden-deep-drop-at-pm-shot.290221/

    Good evening,

    what a ride. On tuesday I went back to 3 IU because of the sudden drop on monday evening. So far things seems to work. On tuesday during the day she stayed high but in the evening cycle she went down again. Again pretty fast but I feeded a bit more high carb at +2 to slow it down a little. I don't know if that was right but she had a long blue string and today she didn't bounce but also reached o.k. numbers compared to where she comes from.

    And I found the unfortunate reason for my injection problems yesterday. :-( Yesterday evening Binie hissed again, moved and I thought I made a fur shot. Then I found, that the area I injected was quite hard and there was also some dried blood in the fur. I think I used the same spot too often because there are not many areas where I can really grab a fold and make a tent. I always rotated the sides but that was seemingly not enough. I feel so sorry I hurt her and I hope the spot is healing again. :( Maybe I have to change the injection technique so I am able to rotate more. I think about the rolling technique and I wish I could practice somehow and don't risk a fur shot.

    I also talked to her vet about the wound. She is also a little concerned that a small amount of fluid is coming out and said it should not become more. We talked about wearing the cone again but she knows Binie well and feel that would cause much stress to her. I really hope we are lucky this time and it will heal.

    Hope everyone is having a safe evening! :bighug::bighug::bighug:

    Update: I tried to switch the injection side but I could grab only a small fold. Seems it was too small, Binie was impatient and while I injected I could feel liquid between my fingers. I don't know if I did a full fur shot or if something went in. It gets more difficult every day. I am really devasted. :(:(:(
    Last edited: May 22, 2024
  2. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Hi Heike, try to breathe. I know it's a lot going on.

    I also changed to using the roll method since Ivy doesn't really have loose skin to grab and make a good tent. I think I have more success doing this technique. Maybe you can try it. (And you could try it on a stuffed animal, maybe??)

    Are you giving small snacks (a few teaspoons) at +1,2,3 when she may drop as the insulin onsets? (I feed small snacks of her normal 6% LC food at those times, Ivy doesn't get a bump from 6%, but I try to just give some food to offset the insulin kicking in).

    I hope her wound will keep healing and it will become less of a problem over time. (We had a horrible time last summer with Ivy healing from a broken leg and surgery. It was many months of difficulty and keeping her restricted in a room with no furniture so she couldn't try to jump or go near steps.)
    So, I can sympathize with your frustration and compassion for Binie.
    You are doing the best for her. Try to remember to breathe. And maybe do some breathing techniques for yourself too (I do them to get me through when I am very stressed and worried)
    And I just got myself some Rescue Remedy for myself as well, since I need it to help me relax a bit lately.

    I'm sending you hugs and lots of support. You are such a great cat Mom!!!!:bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Heike & BInie likes this.
  3. Heike & BInie

    Heike & BInie Member

    Mar 3, 2024
    Thank you so much Staci! I am really worried she doesn't let me inject anymore at all and I will not be able to get the insulin in tomorrow morning as well. That is what I always feared from the beginning. The libre just says HI now since three hours and her ketones went up to 0.4 from 0.2 yesterday. I will try my best to sleep early today so I can go out with her tomorrow morning. This morning it worked to relax her a bit before her shot.

    Oh my, healing Ivys broken leg sounds so difficult. You two have been really through a lot! I am really impressed you managed all this for such a long time. For me it is just four month and my nerves are already shattered.

    I like the idea with the stuffed animal. I will see if I have one with fur now. Yes, Binie also doesn't have much loose skin. This is why I ended up using always more or less the same area. And I will take some Bach remedy for sure. My sister mixed something special for me when Binie got sick and I was so upset. Binie has her own mixture called "Happy cat".

    Hope your evening is relaxed and happy and Ivy will not keep you too busy at night. And I hope you are all safe from the storm! :bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  4. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    I’m just trying to let you know that we have to go one day at a time. And you’re doing great. Just keep trying and don’t give up hope.
    And yes Ivy has been through a lot. And with that awful broken leg, she now jumps up on the sofa to give me purrs and hugs. And goes up and down the steps in the house.
    So don’t lose hope, ok?
    Heike & BInie likes this.

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