5/23 Michelangelo AMPS 181, +6/227

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by KPassa, May 23, 2014.

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  1. KPassa

    KPassa Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2012
    Previous Condo.

    Michelangelo has been having "elimination issues" since I moved a month ago. At first, I blamed it on him not wanting to move from his hiding spots in my room. Now, as he's gotten more comfortable with the rest of the house, I figured it's because he only wants to use the litter box in my bathroom. Since he's always had the issue that once he pees in a litter box, he will no longer use it, I was thinking this might be part of the problem since he still won't use the other two litter boxes. I set out puppy pee pads and he was using them quite regularly...until this week. He's now decided that my BED is an appropriate place to pee. ohmygod_smile Silver lining: Mikey's bladder is quite punctual and I've been getting tests between 5 and 6 every morning when he pees on my bed and I have to get up and change the sheets. :roll: :lol:

    I took him into the vet on Wednesday to see if maybe he has another UTI since the last time he was doing that was when he was first diagnosed with diabetes. Just got back the results: urine looks perfect, except for sugar levels (+2) and pH (7.5). No UTI. :YMSIGH: I was hoping it'd be a quick fix. So, I'm going to go buy some more of that Green Tea Leaves litter I hate because it seems it's the only one Mikey will use more than once. That's what did the trick for us when he had his UTI and I'm hoping that'll do the trick for us until he starts using the other litter boxes.
  2. hollyall

    hollyall Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    Oh dear, oh dear... peeing on the bed?! = no fun and no sleeping in! Hope the new litter does the trick like last time. :smile:
  3. RobinCot

    RobinCot Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2013
    Oh dear, Kay, not good. Mikey is still anxious and needs more time. Could you try Cat Attract litter? It has saved me! Love and kisses to Mikey who needs a lot of time for change. They sll have their own meters don't they.
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