5/23 Pete (AMPS 287 / +3 353 / +6 296 / +9 253 / PMPS 218) Dose increase tomorrow?

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by CrazyKaitLady, May 23, 2024.

  1. CrazyKaitLady

    CrazyKaitLady Member

    Apr 25, 2024

    Tonight was the 6th cycle of Pete's increased 3.5u dose. He's mostly been in the yellows today with one pink. The data from his first two days on this dose is pretty wonky because of a spike day (stress related?) and bounce recovery day. I know I've been playing it a bit too safe in the past with dose increases so I think I should be increasing by 0.25u tomorrow morning per TR since it's been 6 cycles. Thoughts on if I still go ahead with the increase even though the first two days of data on this dose are all over the place?

  2. Bandit's Mom

    Bandit's Mom Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
    Now that he is seeing green nadirs on this dose, you want to hold the dose a total of 10 cycles. The higher numbers you saw this morning was him bouncing from those greens yesterday. Looks like he is already coming down tonight. You want to see what he does once he clears the bounce. A bounce can take up to 6 cycles to clear.

    Can you get another test later tonight? He seems to be one of those cats that nadirs at the end of the cycle when clearing a bounce. So he could keep heading down till AMPS.
    CrazyKaitLady likes this.
  3. CrazyKaitLady

    CrazyKaitLady Member

    Apr 25, 2024
    Yes, I'm glad I got up to check him because I just got an 84 @ +6.5. I'll stay up and keep spot checking at least until he starts swinging back up.

    I'll hold this dose for at least 10 cycles...it will probably have to be 11 or maybe 12 cycles because I know I won't be home during the day after the 10th cycle and wouldn't be able to monitor him after the increased dose, but I'll deal with that when we get there.

    Thank you!
    Staci & Ivy and Bandit's Mom like this.
  4. Bandit's Mom

    Bandit's Mom Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
    Did he get some food after the +3 and +6? Food helps slow drops and flattens cycles.
  5. CrazyKaitLady

    CrazyKaitLady Member

    Apr 25, 2024
    Yes he gets a full 3oz can of food with each shot and 1/2 cans at +3 and +6 from a timed feeder.

    I just got an 81 @ +7.25 (so essentially the same as the 84 @ +6.5) so I think we're flattening out and will hopefully go back up before AMPS

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