5/24/24 New member

Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by Tracyp16, May 24, 2024.



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  1. Tracyp16

    Tracyp16 New Member

    May 24, 2024
    Hi my cat Sosa was diagnosed with diabetes 5 weeks ago. She was given Lantus 2 u to start with then 3u in morning and 2u at night. She has since gone down to 1u to .5u to .25u because of what is called a bounce. Her numbers have been high with a few lows. Her numbers right now are pretty much high. I don’t think the .25u is doing much for her. I would like to know what dose I should be giving her. I changed her food to Fancy Feadt and Wellness. She currently has some DM dry food no more than 1/4 cup a day. Any help would be appreciated, thank you
  2. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    Hi I don't think any member can answer your question without setting up your signature and our spreadsheet to track Sosa's numbers
    Tap on this blue link ,we need that information about Sosa , it will also explain how to set up your spreadsheet and will explain how it works, it's very easy
    If you need help setting up our Spreadsheet just ask
    Here is a link helping us to help you link. If you noticed, our members have some basic information about their cat's in their signature. This helps us to not pester you by asking the same questions (your cat's name, insulin type, date of diagnosis, etc.) repeatedly. We also have a link to our spreadsheet in our signature. We are very numbers driven. The spreadsheet is a record of your cat's progress. By linking it in your signature, we can follow along and provide feedback should you need the help
  3. Bron and Sheba (GA)

    Bron and Sheba (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    Hi and welcome to the forum.
    As Diane said once you have set up the spreadsheet and signature we will be able to give you lots of help.
    What food are you feeding apart from the DM dry which is not really suitable is it is higher carb?

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