7/24 Tigger AMPS 371 ? Green to Red ?Normal

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Pattylynne and Tigger, Jul 24, 2021.

  1. Pattylynne and Tigger

    Pattylynne and Tigger Member

    Jun 9, 2021
    Good morning all. It is so hard to post with a cat draped over your wrist, between you and the keyboard. I have a back leg over the left wrist, a foreleg and head over my right. Pls excuse typos they are Tigger's doing.
    We had most of two days with greens and blues then shot back up to purples and red. Are these normal ups and downs with the pancreas starting to kick in here and there? It's like we reached critical mass with the dose, broke through to good numbers with a few lows and then bamm, right back to high numbers. Ususally with humans you have more predictability, some stability, fairly steady unless the human does something to cause.
    How long do I hold the current dose, I understand if under 50 reduce by .25. He is new to green and blue so I wait 6 cycles or 10. There is so much info on here it's easy to get confused, sorry.
    Also what is the best way to get help with non-urgent question, such as having first number of 55 yesterday, posted but got no feedback. I'm new to using a MB and need some guidance.
    Thanks for all the help.
    I'm going to make Tigger post messages, he's taking over the keyboard and my arms are asleep
  2. Bandit's Mom

    Bandit's Mom Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
    Morning! Tigger seems to have posted without any typos. I think you might want to continue to use him to post! :smuggrin:

    Firstly, there is no need to apologize! We were all new here at some point and there IS indeed a lot of information to take in. It can get overwhelming and confusing. We are here to help you navigate this journey!

    The jump from greens to pinks and reds is alas, very normal. We refer to it as bouncing and it is the cat's liver's normal reaction to a perceived low. Unfortunately, feline diabetes is not as liner as human diabetes. The best way to stop bouncing is to get them used to lower numbers. Bounces are really annoying but unavoidable. Even more so when they come on the back of good numners! You have no choice but to ride them out. They can take up to 6 cycles to "clear".

    With that 55 you saw yesterday, you would hold this dose unless Tigger earns a reduction by dropping below 50 or if you see his numbers trending up signalling he needs more insulin.

    When you have a question, there are two ways to grab attention - use the "?" prefix in the thread title and ask part of the question in thread title. For e.g. "HELP WITH LOW NUMBERS!" or "Dosing Advice" etc. The idea is that people scanning the list of posts can quickly identify one that needs attention.

    Tigger forgot to link to your previous post for continuity ;)
  3. Pattylynne and Tigger

    Pattylynne and Tigger Member

    Jun 9, 2021
    Tigger's letting my arms free, there will be typos now. Thanks for the info, how many cycles would you wait before going up? Seems I read somewhere 3days/6cycles, another 4-5day/8-10 cycles? And starting from where, something about if in greens you start from the last green?
    Any help appreciated.
  4. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    Once you see green or blue you keep the dose for at least 10 cycles from tge first green or blue on that dose unless a reduction is earned by dropping under 50. It’s all quite confusing I know! If a reduction is earned and it fails because the numbers stay higher after a bounce clears we go right back up and don’t need to wait a specific number of cycles. Again sometimes difficult to decide so just keep posting and asking questions. I see a change in the right direction on your ss. :)
  5. Pattylynne and Tigger

    Pattylynne and Tigger Member

    Jun 9, 2021
    Yes it did seem that for about 48 hrs he was starting to get in the right direction then back up the past twelve or so. Guess he figured I needed to sleep through last night after keeping me up a few nights ago with his first low numbers. Looking at his ss where would you start counting the 10? 6 cycles ago I cut dose a bit 1 time due to new to low PMPS numbers that I was unsure about. That was the night we ended up with low numbers(for him) and up much of the night. Not in a hurry just trying to understand how it works.
    How do you like his new avatar, my wrist are usually under him when posting

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