8/9 Cassie AMPS 152 +3 273 +7.5 288 PMPS 335

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Abby and Cassie, Aug 9, 2020.

  1. Abby and Cassie

    Abby and Cassie Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    Previous post

    Good morning! Feeling very groggy this morning because miss Cassie decided it'd be fun to drop low. But we saved the day and no reductions are needed! 1.5 works so well for her so I'm really gonna have to start feeding her more canned food throughout the day.

    How do you guys manage that and have it be the same calories per day? For instance, I give Cassie one can of Friskies pate per day, half in the morning and half at night. Throughout the day she gets freeze-dried chicken but that has no carbs so it doesn't help keep her numbers up.

    Should I maybe give 1/4 can of food in morning, and spread the rest throughout the day? Or do I still give her half a can in the morning, and extra food during the day, and then another half can at night? So her calories per day would go up ultimately that way.

    Currently when she's been really low I give her extra food so she ends up getting maybe 1.25 cans. I'm just not sure how to go about doing it.
  2. Briere Fur Mom

    Briere Fur Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
    Nice job keeping Cassie safe last night. Beautiful AMPS. Be good for mom Cassie. No swan dives into the lagoon:cat:

    I didn't have a problem with fat cats or overeating in my boys. So, calories weren't an issue. They did/do get fed multiple times throughout the day. 1/2 can here, 1/4 can there, Tbsps in between and free feed overnight. My routine was quite complicated with various carb amounts according to BG #s. Not to mention constant servitude to my boys appetite(they were/are grazers). When they meowed, I asked "How high?" Working from home made it doable for me. Other members have different strategies. A lot use automatic feeders. Some break the meals up into multiple feedings, while others feed 2 main meals with snacks in between. I remember reading recently in another post that diabetic kitties do best on a diet containing 6-10% carbs. I found this very interesting. Made me wonder if I would have gotten flatter curves by using a bit higher carb than what my boys were getting(1-3%). When it comes to steering the cycle with food...it's all one grand experiment. You have to experiment with the food and test to see what works best for Cassie. I hope you get some varied opinions and suggestions from the board.:)
    Abby and Cassie likes this.
  3. Abby and Cassie

    Abby and Cassie Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    So when my vet told me that they need the same amount of food every day, that was a myth? I didn't even know they made 1-3% carb! I think Cassie gets about 5% in her friskies pate. I remember before I joined FDMB and before I tested Cassie's sugars, she'd usually get anywhere between 1-2 cans a day and she often snuck the friskies dried food from my civvie. I can't help thinking that might have actually been saving her from going hypo on 2 units for almost a year untested. She has the best sniffer. She always found where I hid the dried food, lol.
    Briere Fur Mom likes this.
  4. Abby and Cassie

    Abby and Cassie Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    I posted on the previous thread about that livestream of someone's feeders in their backyard, well I left it on all night. This morning I woke up to Cassie jumping up and ATTACKING my TV to get at the birds who were eating at the time.

    Sue and Luci likes this.
  5. Sue and Luci

    Sue and Luci Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2017
    I never quite understand the vets who tell you about how much food to give kitties...some even suggest only feeding twice a day when it's time for a shot...or something or another.

    Imagine yourself eating ONLY twice a day! And then think about a diabetic or someone with blood sugar regulation issues - and not getting anything to eat except for every 12 hours. How miserable!

    So I've always fed Luci at every test...even a small amount...all throughout the day. She even gets a snack in her auto-feeder every morning around 2 a.m. because it helps to level her blood sugars...

    Feed your Cassie is he/she is hungry! Unless there are weight issues and I've not had to deal with that, thankfully :)
  6. Briere Fur Mom

    Briere Fur Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
    Abby and Cassie likes this.
  7. Briere Fur Mom

    Briere Fur Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
    Here's a handy food list if you haven't seen it already. I think the last update was 2017 so, a lot of food has come onto the market since then. But, it still contains a bunch of different brands.
    Abby and Cassie likes this.
  8. Abby and Cassie

    Abby and Cassie Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    So true! Cassie lets me know when she wants her freeze-dried chicken snacks. She thinks she needs to get tested before she eats and so she jumps up and waits for me to poke her, LOL. I'll start giving her some canned food throughout the day. Will a few tsps throughout the day be enough to balance her sugars you think? Well, I'll probably have to figure out how much works best for us. She is a bit on the heavier side, but not too much, 13.75 lbs. I think 1 can a day is technically a bit below the "20 calories per lb" rule, but she's been maintaining her excess weight even with that, haha. So if anything she might become even more of a chonker. :cat:
    Briere Fur Mom likes this.
  9. Abby and Cassie

    Abby and Cassie Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    My newest vet who kinda got me started on relearning all about diabetes had actually given me a list of food appropriate for diabetic cats. It must've been incredibly outdated because it said Cassie could only have Friskies ocean whitefish and tuna and Sea Captain's choice! I bought sooo many of those flavors. Only to learn that not only can Cassie eat the other flavors of pate, but that I should be avoiding giving too much of the fishy flavors because of the high phosphorous. That list was a huge lifesaver! Cassie mostly eats poultry platter and turkey and giblets. With a few of the fish flavors mixed in once a week so I can get rid of my supplies. LOL
    Briere Fur Mom likes this.
  10. Sue and Luci

    Sue and Luci Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2017
    I never quite understand the vets who tell you about how much food to give kitties...some even suggest only feeding twice a day when it's time for a shot...or something or another.

    Imagine yourself eating ONLY twice a day! And then think about a diabetic or someone with blood sugar regulation issues - and not getting anything to eat except for every 12 hours. How miserable!

    So I've always fed Luci at every test...even a small amount...all throughout the day. She even gets a snack in her auto-feeder every morning around 2 a.m. because it helps to level her blood sugars...

    Feed your Cassie is he/she is hungry! Unless there are weight issues and I've not had to deal with that, thankfully :)
    Abby and Cassie likes this.
  11. Abby and Cassie

    Abby and Cassie Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    Sorry for lack of update, slow day here for Cassie and I've had a busy sunday prepping for the week. :confused:
    Sue and Luci and Briere Fur Mom like this.
  12. KittenTheCat

    KittenTheCat Member

    Apr 10, 2020
    Kitten gets about 1.25 cans per day (plus days where she is surfing or lower BG she gets more when I feed her to help numbers surf). She historically has been a fat cat but with her diagnosis of diabetes, had lost a ton of weight! She now hovers around 10 lbs. I give her just shy of 1/2 can at AM/PM meals and in her auto feeder she gets 1/8 can patties of LC at +2/+5.5 both in the AM/PM cycle. I freeze the patties ahead of time so loading the feeder is a breeze!
    Abby and Cassie likes this.

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