? 9/25 Checkers 274 AMPS, 243 +6

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Chris and Checkers, Sep 25, 2021.

  1. Chris and Checkers

    Chris and Checkers Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2021

    A couple of days I was asking for dosing advice because my vet had suggested going up because his fructosamine was high, 513. It was suggested that i do a curve on Friday, I had a day off so I did. During the day he was mostly yellow and the +6 was pink, but then his PMPS was under 200. I have had a few preshots under 200 and I am not always sure the best way to handle them, with SLGS. I have skipped a shot, given a token shot and for yesterday's I gave a reduced dose.

    Is there consequences to skipping a dose or giving a token dose? Is it safe to give a reduced dose. I imagine eventually I would have to shoot blues. So many of you do I but that's with TR.

    I also wonder if the low preshot is because I withhold food 2hrs prior. Normally,, he only eats a bit at a time and grazes throughout the day. He is usually bugging me for food during those two hours before his preshot.

    Also, I am assuming I shot maintain his current dose because he went below 150 last night?

    Sorry I still have so many questions.

  2. Bandit's Mom

    Bandit's Mom Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
    Hi Christine,

    Feel free to ask as many questions as you want. We are here to help you as best as we can. :)

    The next time you get a lower pre-shot (below 150), stall without feeding and test in 20 mins to see if thenumbers are rising without food. Skipping a dose or giving a token/reduced dose disrupts the Lantus depot and you are likely to see higher numbers in the next few cycles till the depot rebuilds. Lantus works best when dosed consistently.

    You want to gradually start getting comfortable with lower numbers. Ultimately, you want to be able to shoot any number over 90 (with SLGS). With TR, you can shoot any number over 50.
    A cat's normal range for blood sugar is 50-100 mg/dl on a human meter.

    What is Checkers feeding schedule like? If you feed him at +9 or 9.5, maybe he will not bug you in the 2 hours before the shot? Diabetic cats cannot process their food and are therefore constantly hungry. Feeding many small meals through the day (and night) helps. Do you have an autofeeder you can use to do that?

    On the dosing front, I would hold the dose for now and see how he does if you were to shoot 1.5U without skips and tokens.
  3. Chris and Checkers

    Chris and Checkers Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2021
    Thanks for your reply.

    I usually leave food out and he eats when he is hungry. He is not always hungry so sometimes I need to bribe him with lc treats. I dose at 6, most day I can get home before 4 so I can try to give him more food then. But sometimes I have to work late so I will look into an auto feeder.

    Staying at 1.5u sounds good, hopefully I won't have any more skips and tokens.
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