9/30 Chino|AMPS=182|+9=93|PMPS=229

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Adrian and Chino, Sep 30, 2017.

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  1. Adrian and Chino

    Adrian and Chino Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
    Last post: 9/28

    AGAIN, the little asshole pissed on the couch while I was gone for just 2 hours this evening. I scoop the litterboxes once or twice daily and had just added more cat attractant to both last night. Next time he does it, I'm going to wrap him up in the soiled couch cover and throw him in the trash can. I'm over this. (In all honesty, I probably won't, but telling myself I'll do that next time keeps me from doing something worse to him right now.)

    I gave an "unable to monitor" dose of 10 units last night since I had to shoot early to leave but he was still dropping. When I got back, I set 3 alarms to get a +5, but didn't hear any of them and didn't wake up until the one that's set go to off at +8 every day. His BG was 47 (77 on the AT2) at the time. I believe this was a result of 2 early doses in a row rather than the dose being too high.

    He got another "unable to monitor" 10 unit dose this morning and had another green nadir, so this evening, I took his dose up to 10.5 instead of going back to 11. It would be great if the green nadirs continue on this lower dose.
  2. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Nice to see green, but not the wet couch. :rolleyes: Have you tried placing an LB near the couch? And if he uses is, gradually move it further and further towards where you'd rather it be.
  3. Adrian and Chino

    Adrian and Chino Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
    Both are out on the patio. The cat door is right by the couch so it's difficult to move one in without blocking the cat door or access to the couch (it's a small apartment).

    Is there a safe scent that repels cats? I know they're supposedly repelled by citrus, but citrus essential oils are toxic to them. If I could find something non-toxic that would keep him off the couch in the first place, that would be ideal... In the past, I used boxes, but that keeps me off the couch as well.
  4. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    I have heard that citronella plants and rue deter cats. Or you can go tactile and put aluminum foil or sticky tape on the couch. They don't like the touch of either.
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