Dosing help for Hercules who is switching to Lantus

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Hercule's mum, Dec 17, 2020.

  1. Hercule's mum

    Hercule's mum Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2020
    Hello everyone. Hercules has been diagnosed in July, and we have been on a wild ride with prozinc. Of course, since we got permission from our vet to switch to Lantus he has been less bouncy and more tolerant of a 1U dose of prozinc.
    Should I start him on 0.75U of Lantus? Vet suggested 0.5, but it seems too low to me. Suggestions much appreciated
  2. JaxBenji

    JaxBenji Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2020
    Hi Welcome! I can't advise to dosing but can tag @Wendy&Neko who may be able to help advise on the switch from Prozinc to Lantus. I'm sure she'll stop by when she can.

    As an aside, it looks like you are using a human meter but still on the pet meter SS. I would recommend downloading the human meter SS and copying/pasting over your data. You can then manually change any pet meter data <68 to the lime green. As you may know, on a human meter, 68 is a solid, safe number. If you need any help with your SS, there are some people that can help you switch it over.

    Lastly, if you know how to edit your title, you can go to thread tools and pick the ? from the drop-down - it helps those scanning the board see you have a question. Once your question is answered, you can take down the ? from the drop-down.

    Hope that helps some :cat:
    Diane Tyler's Mom likes this.
  3. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Hello and welcome over here. I hope Hercule likes Lantus better than Prozinc. As far as dose, we take the dose of the existing insulin into consideration. Given that you've seen some greens on 1.0 unit and even on 0.9 units, I might go with 0.75 units to start. He will likely need to go up, but it'd be a better start than 0.5 units. I presume you have the U-100 syringes with half unit markings?

    If you need help with the spreadsheet, let us know, there are members who can help you out with it.
    Diane Tyler's Mom and JaxBenji like this.
  4. Hercule's mum

    Hercule's mum Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2020
    Thanks both. Didn't realize I have been using the wrong SS this whole time! :oops: Marje was goingto help me add 2021 new sheets, so I'll see if she can fix this too while at it.

    Yes, I do have U100, but will have to get used to take the numbers to mean what they are (I have been using them with prozinc, so always converting...)
    JaxBenji and Wendy&Neko like this.

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