Friday Five: Random

Discussion in 'Prozinc / PZI' started by Sarah and Buzz, Jan 29, 2010.

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  1. Sarah and Buzz

    Sarah and Buzz Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2009
    Sorry this is later than normal; this new shot schedule and #s stress are wiggin' me out. ;)

    1. What would you do if a random stranger gave you a bouquet of roses?
    2. What is the most commonly used color in your house?
    3. What color is your favorite t-shirt?
    4. If you could go back in time, what time would you live in and where would you live?
    5. What activity recharges your inner battery?
  2. Sarah and Buzz

    Sarah and Buzz Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2009
    1. I would smile, thank them, and sniff to my heart's content.
    2. There's not really one color that's used more than most, although most of the trim is painted white (colored walls) so I will go with white.
    3. Cranberry.
    4. I would live in the 1960s in either Washington DC or California.
    5. Reading.
  3. Gator & H (GA)

    Gator & H (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2010
  4. LynnLee + Mousie

    LynnLee + Mousie Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    1. What would you do if a random stranger gave you a bouquet of roses?

    thank them and then either throw them away or pass them on to someone else. flowers are such a waste of money and not allowed in my house anyway because i can kill them faster than anybody and the cats like to eat them and spill water and make a mess. it's easier to just not have plants around then worry if i have a poisonous one. LOL!!

    2. What is the most commonly used color in your house?

    hmmmmmmm, i'd say white or beige if we're talking about cabinets and/or flooring. if we're talking about furniture it would have to be either golden brown for all the oak furniture or a dark green. you could say grey is pretty popular what with all my grey themed cats. :)

    3. What color is your favorite t-shirt?

    i don't have a favorite t-shirt. i just like t-shirts so if it's a t-shirt, it's my favorite and it doesn't matter what color it is. as long as it's big and baggy.

    4. If you could go back in time, what time would you live in and where would you live?

    i'd like to be about 5 years old again. that's good enough for me. no school, no responsibilities and your biggest worry is if your snowman is gonna hold together. let mommy take care of everything else

    5. What activity recharges your inner battery?

    my what? hmmmmmm........probably just rest & relaxation. peace & quiet. monday thru friday is typically noise and chaos and busy busy so my quiet weekends recharge me.
  5. Ele & Blackie (GA)

    Ele & Blackie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    1. What would you do if a random stranger gave you a bouquet of roses?
    Accept the roses, thank the stranger and put them in water.

    2. What is the most commonly used color in your house?

    3. What color is your favorite t-shirt?

    4. If you could go back in time, what time would you live in and where would you live?
    Can I go into the future instead? To a time where we can travel through a teleporter and all of our fur babies can talk to us (in our language).

    5. What activity recharges your inner battery?
    Reading or if it's Summer, kayaking.
  6. Joanna & Bix (GA)

    Joanna & Bix (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    OMG, I love everyone's answers, some are hilarious!!!

    Sarah: curious why the 60s and why DC? My parents actually lived downtown briefly in the 60s (in a neighborhood that is now the red-light zone!!!! I don't ask too may questions LOL) and were there during some rioting. Being my parents (even-tempered and low-key) they said it really wasn't that big a deal. Having grown up in the DC suburbs I tend to have a negative view, though the area does have some great points.

    1. What would you do if a random stranger gave you a bouquet of roses?
    I'd like to think I would be happy and filled with wonder and gratitude for the beauty of the universe. Reality is I would be suspicious, and then worried about where they might have been & why they were giving them to me, so I would probably get anxious, and hand them off to the nearest person I could. Oy... guess there's something else to go on the list to "work on".

    2. What is the most commonly used color in your house?
    Beige. Came with RV. Anything that didn't start out beige is gradually fading to beige anyhow ;) Pretty colored (fake) wood too, light brown.

    3. What color is your favorite t-shirt?
    Hot pink, with a neon yellow cartoon KITTEH on it!

    4. If you could go back in time, what time would you live in and where would you live?
    Hmmm, that's a tough one. Everything I can think of with pluses has some big minuses too (no indoor plumbing is a whopper, along with lack of rights for women). Guess I'll just stay when & where I am. There's a shocker for me! :eek:

    5. What activity recharges your inner battery
    Quiet time alone outdoors, anywhere with nature/natural scenery, and especially by the ocean or in the desert
  7. Sarah and Buzz

    Sarah and Buzz Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2009
    Yeah, you guys have given some really good answers. Gator's t-shirt answer cracked me up, as did yours about the roses, Joanna. I'm with Cindy on the snowman thing, too. The simplicity of a 5 year old's life is pretty great.

    With the caveat that I might be (probably am) romanticizing things, I just think the 60s would be neat to experience. It seems like most everyone was passionate about something, and they didn't hesitate to demonstrate about it, or distribute fliers, or take some other type of action. I feel like it would be awesome to experience the way the world was before everyone had to be so afraid of everything, when you could be more open and communal about things (but please don't read into this that I want some kind of crazy swinger lifestyle!) and just generally groovy.

    I realize that there was a lot of stuff going on that WASN'T so awesome and hippy-dippy; obviously no time is perfect. As for why DC, it's the center of the nation. I think lots of stuff happened there, you could be right in the thick of things as far as laws, politics, and movers and shakers. California probably had quite a different vibe, and that could be cool too.

    Anyway, that's my .02. :)
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    1. What would you do if a random stranger gave you a bouquet of roses?

    kind of depends on how strange the stranger is LOL, i'd probably put them in a beautiful vase on my ktchen table

    2. What is the most commonly used color in your house?

    lots of greens and cranberry colors..really floral.

    3. What color is your favorite t-shirt?

    pink, but anything bright...and the black one....and oh i love the white one

    4. If you could go back in time, what time would you live in and where would you live?

    oh bout the 60's in Haight Ashbury...just for fun.

    5. What activity recharges your inner battery?
    laughing uncontrollably with friends. being in the ocean. being in BIG nature. skiing.

    sorry i did'nt have just one answer for most of these. that's hard!
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