Full Pink Moon Party tonight - all invited

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by manxcat419, Apr 23, 2024.

  1. manxcat419

    manxcat419 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2015
    Yo cats and kittens of all ages

    It’s time for everyone to gather together for the full moon pawty! Tonight, we celebrate the full Pink Moon! Of course there will be traditional favorites as purrpared by my mentors, Chef Felix, Chef Rusty, and the Kitchen Krews of yore at Pink Moons past:

    Appetizers: Pink-Champagne Cocktails; Pink Niptinis; Pink Lady Cocktails; Assorted Caribbean Microbrews; Assorted Paw Prints Pizzas; Souse; Fire Roasted Jerk Shrimp; Sushi Bar specialties of Sushi Chef Tux and featuring Chef Neko's Sushi rolls with the catch of the day, Bahamian Rock Lobster.

    Entrees: Chef Mannie's Renowned recipe for PNW Poached Sockeye Salmon made with Bahamian Red Snapper and seasoned with hot sauce; Conch Chowder; Grilled Bahamian Chicken; Pan-fried Grouper Fingers with Beer Marinade; Dried Mullet Roe; Grilled Hot Dogs & Sausages; Curried Crab.

    Salads: Conch Salad; Pink Cabbage Slaw; Radicchio Salad with Fresh Sea-Grass Clippings à la Butthead & Donny; Crouton Bar.

    Desserts: Maggie's Signature Cherry Cheesecakes; Johnny Cake; Mango Pies à la Chief Pastry Chef Tess; Chef Felix's Rhubarb Crumble with extra-crunchy Catnip Crumblies; Tobey's Cimmamum Cookies baked by the Sea; Dessert Chef Sootie's New Shoreham Sea Moss custard mousse delicately surrounded with rosemary egg white froth topped with spring pink phlox flowers; Chef Stu's World Famous Catmint Parfaits.

    Newer traditions include Bubba's MouseMousse; Leo's Chunky Tuna and Salmon Ice Cream with Sardine Sprinkles; Chef Felix's Sweet and Savory Crunchy Crouton Toppers; Olive's Shoelaceghetti with a side of pickles; TinySolé's sister Cookie's cod brownies filled with catnip; PussCatDusty's crispy birds feet served on baked catnip wafers (mmmmm, crunchy!) as well as her sweet and sour skink tail vol-au-vents & freeze dried plain yoghurt balls; Chef Felix's Mediterranean platter with crunchy falafel, catmint mewli-tabouli, and smoked papurrika hummouse; Chieflet Luna's Longtail Surprise à la Rosa and Regan; KitKat’s Duck pate stuffed cupcakes with catnip icing, served at mousie temperature. You'll find Bella's Catinis at the Bella’s Memorial Tiki Hut.

    In keeping with our new tradition of featuring dishes from a different country each month, tonight we will be adding some Italian dishes to our menu. The special dishes for this month will be Ossobuco (veal shanks slow cooked in red wine); Anguilla fritta (fried eels); fritto misto alla piemontese (mixed offal, breaded and fried); and Lonza di maiale al latte (milk braised pork loin). We hope you will try them all and let us know what you think of them!

    Not feeling up to pawtying and dancing? Head on over to the Taster Blankets, including Olive’s Memorial Blanket, which will be set up away from the noise and too much activity for you. Roxi will be running notes back to me and the Kitchen Krew to make sure the food is as good as can be. The blankets have a great view of the Circle of Remembrance too, and all the other kitties will join you at midnight as the veil thins to see all our precious Gone Ahead kitties. It is always so magical to see our friends and family on the other side of the veil

    Our very own in-house dance troupe, “Ruby and the Kittens” are already getting warmed up ready to dance the night away. They’d love to have you join them as soon as you’re ready to start pawtying!

    So find your best outfits and come join the pawty. We’re going to have so much fun!

    Check out our new aprons too! Aren’t they awesome?

    Chef Luna

  2. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    Awww....the Pink moon. Always one of China's favorites so I'm sure she'll be behind the veil, waiting for it to lift enough to be able to see her mama's new kitty that she sent. Garfield will be sure to be there to see his benefactor! He's never been to a Full Moon party before, so one of you guys that have been to a bunch of them, please show him around and introduce him to the gang! He's still in remission, so make sure he stays away from any sweets or carb-heavy foods!

    Are Chef Felix's Sweet and Savory Crunchy Crouton Toppers still made out of crickets?

    Garfield doesn't have the fashion sense that China did, but he'll be there in his tux and tails (of course it'll have tails!)
  3. Red & Rover (GA)

    Red & Rover (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2016
    Drinks and nibbly bits at mine for the humans.
  4. xelo y sinver

    xelo y sinver Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2023
    Sinver went there, you know how hard it is for him to get there from the other side of the world... this time he is wearing his evening dress and his patent leather shoes, he is looking forward to seeing you all because he has a great time, he is a real dancer and he always comes with dirty clothes and so much climbing and dancing. Let's hope he doesn't eat anything sweet last time, I don't know if it was because he ate something sweet or because of the excitement of the party, but he came with his sugar up to the sky. I hope you have a good time tonight... I will go to bed knowing that I leave him in your hands... I hope he arrives at dawn, he always carries the keys to close the party hahahahahahahaha....
  5. manxcat419

    manxcat419 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2015
    ~We'll all take great care of Garfield for you and we'll make sure he gets a great view at the Circle so he and China can meet. He'll soon be one of the pawty gang - he just needs a few introductions to the other kitties and they'll all be best of friends by the end of the night.

    Chef Felix's recipes are exactly as they always were. He was kind enough to trust us with the exact recipes for his creations and we make them the same way every time.

    Garfield looks very handsome in his tux and tails. A classic gentleman. ~Chef Luna
  6. manxcat419

    manxcat419 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2015
    Sounds wonderful...I'll be right over! :)
    Red & Rover (GA) likes this.
  7. manxcat419

    manxcat419 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2015
    Oh Sinver. You were very excited about the Spanish theme at the last pawty. Let's try to keep your glucose down just a little bit tonight! We're very careful with all our recipes, of course, to make sure they're suitable for our diabetic kitties. But we can't always prevent everyone from being overexcited. We'll take great care of you tonight to try to keep things better under control for you. ~Chef Luna
  8. Susan&Felix(GA)

    Susan&Felix(GA) Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    Ivan is very excited to meet Garfield and hang out with Sinver and hopefully dance with Juliette--and to see all of his other party friends. He loves home, but sometimes we're a little too quiet for an exuberant young man like Ivan.

    We were so sad to say goodbye to Felix's 22-year-old co-cat Whiskey a couple days ago. I think I've told this before, and I guess this will be the last time: Felix and Whiskey had belonged to my cousin and his soon-to-be-wife, respectively, since they were kittens and then lived together since they were quite young. After a health crisis in my cousin's family, 9-year-old Felix and 12-year-old Whiskey came to live with Cousin Susie. Very different in purrsonality, they were two of the sweetest orange tabbies a cousin-momma could ever wish for. It's the end of an era!:( I imagine Whiskey at the Bridge party, pressing between Rosa and Regan and saying, "Rox! Rox!" meaning she wants them to help her see her friend and helper Roxi through the veil.

    Sending extra love to China's mom. And to Rose's mom @Carol in Chicago who also purrticularly celebrates the rose-pink moon.

    It's nice to think that China and Felix can indulge in the full-carb versions of everything as much as they like now.

    And will you also be serving Anguilla fritta (fried eels) and fritto misto alla piemontese (mixed offal, breaded and fried)? Maybe we could figure out how to make a plant-based version? (Offal sounds awful!) Meanwhile, I'll bring a bag of Ruffles potato chips to share.:p
  9. Karolina KJ & Nestle

    Karolina KJ & Nestle Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2022
    Chris, let's see your new baby Garfield! Please! :cat:
  10. manxcat419

    manxcat419 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2015
    Kitties - it's time. Time for the Circle of Remembrance. The Bridge pawty is just coming into view. I see China - Garfield, you 2 absolutely need to meet! And I see Felix and Whiskey - Roxi, come look! Let Whiskey see you! Our pawty is in full swing and soon we will resume our dancing and feasting all through the night, only stopping as dawn breaks. But now we celebrate our beloved GAs so we can take comfort home to our hoomans by letting them know that they really are all healed and happy and healthy beyond the veil. ~Chef Luna
  11. manxcat419

    manxcat419 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2015
    The end of an era is so very sad and I'm so sorry for your loss of Whiskey. It really is so difficult to say goodbye. :bighug: And you have created the most wonderful image for me of Rosa and Regan, and Felix and Whiskey, all partying together at the Bridge, now and every Full Moon. Hugs to you and your family - we will all be thinking of you through this very difficult time. :bighug::bighug::bighug: Whiskey is so very loved - I know she will send you signs to let you know she has arrived safely at the Bridge with her new wings, ready to join all our other precious GAs.
    Susan&Felix(GA) likes this.
  12. Red & Rover (GA)

    Red & Rover (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2016
    No - I've never recovered from a proper Danish smorgasbord. One of the dishes was smoked eels with scrambled eggs. Three people, one bathroom.
    Ruffles are welcome. It's all so last minute. Once around the kitchen.
    There is an assortment of cheeses - Red Leicester, Wensleydale, a local goat cheese, local caramelized onion cheddar with a variety of crackers, some probably stale.
    Orange infused hummus and naan.
    Some homemade pickles that someone's granny made.
    And a tub of concord grape ice cream.
    There's a can or two of handcrafted beer and cider. Cheap Spanish wine. Probably enough milk (oat/cow) for lattes.

    I'm so sorry about Whiskey. Unexpected cats almost always turn out to be the best.:bighug:
  13. manxcat419

    manxcat419 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2015
    That sounds like a wild time! I was a bit "should I really" with adding the fried eels to the menu...but I decided cats would probably consider it delicious! :D

    I love cheese - almost any type. I do have to say Wensleydale is a personal favorite, although not one I find often here.

    I can contribute a home made cottage pie. Which always seems to be my go-to, but I've never had anyone not like it yet as long as I use my mother's recipe.
    Susan&Felix(GA) likes this.
  14. Susan&Felix(GA)

    Susan&Felix(GA) Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    Thank you, April. And Rox!Rox!:bighug::bighug:

    Chef Luna, don't listen to my momma: The offal is scrumptious! And the eel is de-eel-licious!

    Truly a gift from Bastet. And wow, our human party has fun, interesting treats like the kitties'. Why do concord grape ice cream and beer sound like they'd go so well together?

  15. manxcat419

    manxcat419 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2015
    Don't worry Ivan - us kitties know what we like. All those things that the hoomans won't eat are the very best. And good for us too - civvies and sugar cats alike! ~Chef Luna

    What a beautiful picture of perfectly content cats. And I spy a bird feeder there to make them their very own entertainment channel! What more could any cat ever ask for. :bighug:
    Susan&Felix(GA) likes this.
  16. Red & Rover (GA)

    Red & Rover (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2016
    We have a Brit shop just across the river. Red leicester makes a killer grilled cheese.
    Your cottage pie was the hit of the night.
    manxcat419 likes this.
  17. Ti-Mousse (GA) Pepe (GA)

    Ti-Mousse (GA) Pepe (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2018
    Juliette is so happy that Ivan will be there tonight and didn't forget about her ! She's got her nicest dress on and her dancing shoes but she is very shy ... What a great evening they will have.
    Of course she will be present for the Circle of Remembrance at midnight, hoping to see our lovely Ti-Mousse, Pepe, Zoe and Peanut..!
    Thanks @manxcat419 for this beautiful evening!
    Susan&Felix(GA) and manxcat419 like this.
  18. manxcat419

    manxcat419 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2015
    I'm jealous! Truly. Our nearest Brit shop, by the time I've accounted for traffic and parking, takes me about half a day to visit. And yes, nothing melts quite like Red Leicester.

    Why thank you! One of my "go-to" recipes for an informal meal.
  19. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
  20. Carol in Chicago

    Carol in Chicago Member

    Apr 5, 2017
    Thank you so much for remembering my Rosie. Yes, this will always be a Rose moon for me.

    I promised her I would remember her here with each full moon along with the many others who came to know her through her sweet journey. She is so dearly missed. This group taught me so much. I trained my vet on TR protocol and it came in handy when we were confronted with another FD DX last year. Rosie's last remaining civie was DX last year and has been a real trooper. Lindy is now stable at 2U. :bighug:
    manxcat419 and Susan&Felix(GA) like this.
  21. Susan&Felix(GA)

    Susan&Felix(GA) Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    Wow, I'm sorry about Lindy but it sounds like it's going all right. I guess insulin and tests would be a breeze compared with the intense care Rosie needed. All that care sure does tighten the bond though, hunh? It's nice to see you here.:bighug:
    Carol in Chicago likes this.

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