Hills w/d or m/d or purina m/d for my diabetic cat?

Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by UPTOWNCLUB, Mar 6, 2012.

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    UPTOWNCLUB New Member

    Mar 6, 2012
    my cat got diagnosed as having diabetes in late December
    my vet said she should have hills w/d as she was over weight

    In reality she was only about 2ibs over weight.. every body said hills m/d was better but the vet disagreed. shes now got neuropathy and can only walk or stand up. Shes never been below 26.4 on her sugarlevel.
    a vet online and tescos nurse said m/d was better?
  2. Sue and Oliver (GA)

    Sue and Oliver (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    We are not crazy about any of those "prescription" products. We try to feed wet lo carb (http://www.catinfo.org explains why) under 8-10% carbs. We shop with a grocery list from our food charts Janet and Binky’s chart Some of us feed Fancy Feast and Friskies. Some feed Wellness and Merrick. Depends on your budget and what your cat will eat.

    BUT we do suggest that you start testing your cat's blood sugar levels at home before you make a diet change from dry to wet food. Our Oliver went down 100 points overnight with a food change. If we hadn't been testing and had given the usual amount, he would have been overdosed.
  3. Julia & Bandit (GA)

    Julia & Bandit (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Hills w/d is way too high in carbs for a diabetic cat. The only prescription food that is good for a diabetic is canned Purina DM--however, there's nothing special about Purina DM (or any of the other prescription diets), and you're really just paying for the label because it's pretty much the same thing as the cheaper grocery store brands. All you need is a low carb canned diet (under 10% carbs). Here's a link to the cat food nutrition charts: http://www.felinediabetes.com/diabetic-cat-diets.htm. You can pick anything under 10% carbs. Fancy Feast is very popular here because it's reasonably priced, easy to find, and cats seem to love it. Here's a link to the diabetic safe flavors: http://www.felinediabetes.com/glutenfree.htm

    What insulin are you giving, and what dose? Are you testing your cat's blood sugar levels at home? One very important thing to remember is that changing the diet can lower your cat's blood sugar dramatically, so do not change the diet without testing and/or lowering the insulin dose. Otherwise, you could have a deadly hypoglycemic incident on your hands. A lot of time cats eating w/d show up here on huge doses of insulin to counteract the high carbs--giving the same dose on a low carb diet is very dangerous. There are tons of tips and advice here on hometesting, and it will also save you a ton of money because you won't have to pay for testing at the vet anymore, and it's the only way to keep your cat safe while shooting insulin.
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