Neuropathy and diarrhoea? Not making it to litterbox?

Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by Renee2602, May 22, 2024.

  1. Renee2602

    Renee2602 Member

    Apr 4, 2024
    Hi all,

    Has anyone with a cat with diabetic neuropathy not make it to the litterbox and have half soft half diarrhea stools?

    Since increasing Oscar’s prednisolone he’s had two accidents now. First he was scratching some carpet and then he suddenly had urge to poo and had to go right there, there was no attempt to use litter or move. Second now he was asleep on the floor and got up, I could smell it coming, he just got up and walked a few steps then had to squat and do it. It was half diarrhea, half soft formed. He’s done others in the litter tray this week. We saw this happen two other times recently, and one of them he had full on diarrhoea so the action of scratching carpet just shot it out of him.

    Yes I’m upset because it could be the brain tumour getting worse. But he also has shown it since his diabetes became worse due to increasing prednisolone. He also is showing more leg weakness and when he drinks his water he is standing and walking on hocks. So I do think it is diabetic neuropathy, but I’m not sure if it’s played a part.
  2. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    The diabetic neuropathy is a factor that he's not making it to the litter box. You could try placing some extra boxes closer to him, or laying out some pee pads for him to use. Worst case, there are pet diapers that would contain the mess.

    Are you changing his insulin dose to compensate for the increase in prednisilone? A factor in getting rid of neuropathy is getting him better regulated.

    As far as dealing with diarrhea, you can try s. boullardi. More information here on dosing. Perhaps try some psyllium husk fiber in his food too.
  3. Renee2602

    Renee2602 Member

    Apr 4, 2024
    Thank you. I think when it gets to the point of diapers we may need to consider quality of life, only because of the other factors going on as well with his brain tumour and vision, personality, and mobility changes. I'm really hoping it doesn't come to that stage yet. He is still making it to the litterbox every single time for urine despite him having to go 4-6 times a day, so we are really proud he's doing that. I think some wires get crossed and he doesn't realise he needs to go, he used to only go every 1-2 days and now its atleast everyday since we got constipation under control, but its also likely he is having a slight flare up of his IBD due to his medications which probably isn't helping.

    As advised by our vet, we are going to stop using catlax and see how he goes, but keep the metamucil which is the psyllium husk.

    Still waiting on methyl b12 to arrive in a few weeks from America. We increase to 3u of toujeo as of tomorrow morning and hoping to track via Libre. He's been averaging 14-15 mmol/l for the last few days.
  4. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    The laxatives are dose to effect. Good plan to cut the dose down or cut it out for the moment.
  5. Renee2602

    Renee2602 Member

    Apr 4, 2024
    Do you know if any pain medication is commonly given/ needed for diabetic neuropathy while we try to get levels regulated? He seems a bit uncomfortable trying to sleep and get comfy but moving around a bit every few mins struggling to enter a deep sleep.
  6. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    No, it's not commonly given if just neuropathy. Maybe something else causing discomfort?

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