06/07 Boomer AMPS 169 +3 94 +6 70 PMPS 86 +3 86

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Judy and Boomer, Jun 7, 2018.

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  1. Judy and Boomer

    Judy and Boomer Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2014
    Good morning!
    AMPS 169 shooting 1.0u
    Must be a bounce from yesterday. Or maybe he went lower last night than what I thought but he usually doesn't bounce quite that quickly.
    Also interesting because, when he decided to swim with the sharks, it's usually on a day when DH is away. Like today when he won't be back home until between +5 and +6. With that AMPS I certainly wouldn't expect a low day but we know that Boomer doesn't follow the rules :rolleyes:

    Boomer ate all of his overnight fuds except for his +6.

    Allen didn't eat well last night. His appy is very strange lately, ever since we doubled the dose of the diazoxide. He does seem to have an appetite but sometimes I have to offer 3 or 4 different foods before he eats more than a couple of licks. I'm wondering if the diazoxide actually changes the taste of his fuds instead of changing his appetite. One day he will eat salmon ff, the following day he won't. It's very frustrating. Last night I resorted to a can of food in my "rejected cans" cupboard and he ate that but only a bit of the other two fuds that I gave him. He's had an early breffis today because it takes 2 of us to pill him and DH leaves early for golf. And he did eat it again this morning. And he's not pooping enough. He's had two small poops in the last few days. I know what's going to happen shortly; he starts to vomit and then strain to force himself to poop and then ends up with the diarrhea. I give him miralax and have increased the quantity but it doesn't seem to help. I used to give him pumpkin but stopped recently because I thought that might be turning him off his food. I add water to all of his meals. And he drinks some (he also gets sub q fluids every day). Can anyone offer a suggestion as to what else I can do to ease his constipation?
  2. Judy and Boomer

    Judy and Boomer Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2014
    Can I give Allen yogurt? We have Liberte plain yogurt 2%.....would that be good for his tummy?
  3. HWright

    HWright Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    Hope Allen feels better soon and appy restores. Smorgasbords can be exhausting and the worry. Ugh.
    Re poopie regularities: I don’t see why the plain yogurt you mentioned wouldn’t be ok. If he doesn’t like the taste on its own, maybe orally syringe about 1-2cc? The tribe gets plain kefir (about a teaspoon a day).

    How is he with SEB or Marshmallow root powder?

    ACV, well diluted in water, can help move things along. Orally syringe or mix in fud.

    Appy vines, feel better vines and good poopie vines galore.
  4. Doodles & Karen

    Doodles & Karen Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2015
    Weren't you using something called "crimsonide (sp?) ? Thought it was like a lactulose? Plain yogert would be fine just not sure how fast acting it is. Are you giving him a daily probiotic? I've been putting a dab of unsalted butter on Moo's paw for a while and it seems to help keep things moving for her.

    Have no doubt Boomer will be in the lagoon shortly. Hopefully he goes down nice and easy and doesn't dive right into it.
  5. Judy and Boomer

    Judy and Boomer Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2014
    I've never tried SEB or Marshmallow root powder!
    What is ACV?
  6. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    I hope Boomer slides down slowly for you today. I would think the plain yougurt would be okay to give Allen. I hope you can find something to help soon. Sending prayers.
    Noah & me (GA) likes this.
  7. Judy and Boomer

    Judy and Boomer Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2014
    He gets one cisapride every day. Was originally dosed 3 times a day when he hadn't pooped in quite a few days and we decided on a maintenance dose of 1 a day because it seemed to make his tummy feel better and his appy was better. I've been hesitating to increase the amount we give him because I know that within the next day or two he will go on his own but with a few vomits and diarrhea along with it....so I might make it even worse by giving an extra cisapride. Or perhaps I'm looking at it the wrong way and could prevent that from happening by giving him an extra one today? idk.
  8. Judy and Boomer

    Judy and Boomer Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2014
    I do have some fortiflora on hand.....got it hoping it would get him to eat but he just licked it off then ignored the food. But perhaps I should be letting him lick it?
  9. Doodles & Karen

    Doodles & Karen Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2015
    Maybe start with an extra 1/2 dose a day? Moo also takes 1ml of Reglan a day which sounds similar to cisapride even though the doc said to give twice a day. Once a day along with the dab of butter has been working well. It's also basically a mobility medication.

    ETA: Moo also gets fortifllora sprinkled on her food. It was horrible stuff for Doodles but works well for Moo.
    Judy and Boomer likes this.
  10. Judy and Boomer

    Judy and Boomer Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2014
    Boomer is freaking me out lol. He's laying here on his testing table staring at me. He never lays there in the morning! Last time he did something out of routine was last Thursday morning when he decided to play with the sharks.
    I can see it's going to be one of those days. :rolleyes:
  11. Noah & me (GA)

    Noah & me (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    My vet says any probiotic is fine. I can't speak as to flavoring, maybe good old plain/extra bland.
    Daniel is all over DW when the yogurt makes an appearance as well as cream cheese. He's a kookoo kitty. o_O
    Judy and Boomer likes this.
  12. Judy and Boomer

    Judy and Boomer Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2014
    And I'm pretty sure Boomer would eat it. I gave Allen just a wee bit in a bowl and he didn't touch it. But maybe I'll try adding a bit at a time to his fuds.
    Noah & me (GA) likes this.
  13. Bellasmom

    Bellasmom Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2018
    I give Sammie yogurt and he seems fine with it
    Judy and Boomer likes this.
  14. Doodles & Karen

    Doodles & Karen Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2015
    3/31 he went from AMPS of 158 to 49 @ +3....
    Judy and Boomer likes this.
  15. Judy and Boomer

    Judy and Boomer Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2014
    Yes he did, so maybe he is trying to tell me something. And DH is away for a while today so.....
  16. Beth 73

    Beth 73 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2016
    Judy, I give Elmo SEB(1/8 t) 2x a day for his tummy. It has to be given preferably 2 hours after any medicine . To keep poop moving I syringe 1-2 t pumpkin a day and if that fails I add in a 1/16 t Natural Moves by Pet Alive , syringed because he won’t touch it :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
    Judy and Boomer likes this.
  17. Judy and Boomer

    Judy and Boomer Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2014
  18. Judy and Boomer

    Judy and Boomer Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2014
  19. Carol in Chicago

    Carol in Chicago Member

    Apr 5, 2017
    I'd like to suggest you look at this differently. My vote is to increase the Cisipride as soon as possible to get him going well again. You can drop back to a maintenance dose once he is going again, but you should increase to avoid the vomit / diarrhea if at all possible. I don't see how extra Cisipride could make this worse. If you already have it on hand, and have vet approved higher dose, please use it. For best effect, it should be given 30 min before food.

    While vomit is not a good thing in general, it is really bad in a constipation situation. It can mean that there is significant "back up" and digestive system pressure. Vomit is often an indication that the constipation situation is getting worse, not better. If he has this pattern, it would be better to intervene now and avoid it.

    Both vomit and diarrhea will affect his level of hydration. I see he is getting daily fluids, so hydration is already an issue. In a constipation situation, there is a delicate balance with extra hydration often helpful to soften and move the stool. So... you want to avoid any dehydration by avoiding both vomit and diarrhea.

    I know you are worried about him being picky with foods, if he is feeling "backed up" he might be feeling full and not wanting to eat much. I would re-evaluate the "rejected" foods once this is cleared up.

    I have found felineconstipation.org to be an invaluable reference. There is an excellent discussion of the different treatments for acute situations and maintenance situations.

    All the best to you, Boomer and Allen!
    Judy and Boomer likes this.
  20. Bobbie And Bubba

    Bobbie And Bubba Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    I am giving my guys unflavored, unsweetened kefir and they really like it. It is great for the gut and full of probiotics. Caroline on Foodfurlife gives it to her cats now instead of probiotics. You need to start with a small amount and increase gradually.

  21. Judy and Boomer

    Judy and Boomer Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2014
    Thanks Carol!
  22. Judy and Boomer

    Judy and Boomer Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2014
    PMPS 86 shooting 1.0u
  23. Judy and Boomer

    Judy and Boomer Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2014
  24. HWright

    HWright Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    Hi Judy,
    apologies for not replying sooner; these recent days have been....
    ACV is apple cider vinegar, preferably the raw unfiltered organic with the “mother.” Such as Bragg’s brand.

    SEB or mmr (marshmallow root) helps soothe gi tract and normalize poops (eg helps with constipation and the runs). Bc it coats gi tract, best to give 1-2 hrs before or after other meds.
    Judy and Boomer likes this.
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