? 06/24 Yellow has arrived : Is Plume sick ?

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Lilli Plume and Plume, Jun 24, 2018.

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  1. Lilli Plume and Plume

    Lilli Plume and Plume Member

    Apr 17, 2018

    Hello everyone! :)

    After 6 beautiful green cycles , blue has settled gently for 3 cycles.
    And this morning, yellow!:eek:
    I think Plume is sick: an infection maybe?:(

    The diet has not changed : always that wet (Macs-Feringa Catzfinefood) and raw meats (beef-white chicken).
    I dewormed Plume about 2 weeks ago with a dewormer that treats two types of worms.
    But I noticed that the stools of Plume are small and dry, a little like elongated beads, "in rosary" (?) . Urines, I do not know too much. Does Plume drink enough? It's not particularly hot right now in Paris.

    I did not change insulin or syringe.
    It is true that I recover every day (1/4 h / day) the usual schedule of injection (8:00 / 20:00).

    Plume sleeps a lot but usually she is not very active .... The night before last, she is still out in the garden and brought a mouse .... So, it moves anyway a little!
    Plume is doing his toilet well.
    Yesterday at the end of the day, I noticed that Plume was sleeping against the cushions, the hidden face, the hair slightly bristling.

    That's all the information I can give you.
    The more hours go by, the more I think of the Veterinarian.
    I do not change the dose for now ?

    We must go on holiday Thursday 06/28. The journey by car will be long. We leave in the South of France, near Nice and Cannes, you must know. It will be hot there. But Plume knows and the apartment will be air conditioned.

    Here are the latest news!
    I await your remarks and advice, always looking forward to it and great interest!
    Good Sunday to you and your cats! :bighug:


    Bonjour à tous!

    Après 6 beaux cycles de verts , le bleu s'est installé doucement depuis 3 cycles . Et ce matin , le jaune !
    Je pense que Plume est malade : une infection peut-être ?

    L'alimentation n'a pas changé . toujours que de l'humide, les mêmes pâtées ( Macs-Feringa Catzfinefood) et viandes crues (boeuf-blanc de poulet).
    J'ai vermifugé Plume il y a 2 semaines environ avec un vermifuge qui traite deux types de vers.
    Mais j'ai remarqué que les selles de Plume sont petites et sèches , un peu comme des billes allongées , en chapelet . Les urines, je ne sais pas trop. Plume boit-elle assez ? Il ne fait pas particulièrement chaud en ce moment à Paris.

    Je n'ai pas changé d'insuline , ni de seringue .
    C'est vrai que je récupère tout les jours (1/4 d'heure par jour ) l'horaire habituel d'injection ( 8h00/ 20h00).

    Plume dort beaucoup mais habituellement elle n'est pas très active .... Avant-hier soir , elle est tout de même sortie dans le jardin et a ramené une souris .... Donc , elle bouge quand même un peu !
    Plume fait bien sa toilette .
    Hier en fin de journée , j'ai remarqué que Plume dormait contre les coussins, la face cachée , le poil légèrement hérissé .

    Voilà, toutes les informations que je peux vous donner.
    Plus les heures avancent, plus je pense au Vétérinaire .

    Nous devons partir en vacances jeudi 06/28. Le voyage en voiture sera long . Nous partons dans le Sud de la France, du côté de Nice et de Cannes , vous devez connaitre . Il fera chaud là-bas . Mais Plume connait et l'appartement sera climatisé .

    Voilà les dernières nouvelles !
    J'attends vos remarques et conseils , toujours avec impatience et grand intérêt !
    Bon dimanche à vous et à vos chats !
    JeffJ likes this.
  2. JeffJ

    JeffJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2016
    That is unfortunate that Plume is not feeling well.
    The blue numbers are still good.
    Many cats live in the blue numbers - like Leo.

    If Plume is healthy enough, Plume can catch a mouse.
    Did Plume eat the little mouse too?

    The higher numbers could indicate infection.
    When cats have urine infection or tooth infection then glucose numbers go up.
    I would wait one more cycle - until tomorrow.

    I know Nice and Cannes.
    My Dad lived near Paris (you know), but his job was half time in Cannes.
    It is beautiful there.
    Maybe Plume will get healthier from the nice weather.
    If Plume does not improve, you could raise the dose 0.25 to 1.75.
    And a veterinary visit is good too.

    It is 95 degrees F outside.
    Little Dude and Leo insist on being outside.
    They are baking in the oven there.
    Leo - baking outside 06-24-2018b.jpg Little Dude - baking outsiide 06-24-2018b.jpg
    Lilli Plume and Plume likes this.
  3. Lilli Plume and Plume

    Lilli Plume and Plume Member

    Apr 17, 2018
    Thank you JeffF you are always here!

    Yes, I thought of teeth, a urinary infection ...
    But tonight, Plume just made a green + 2!
    I wanted to retest but I could not find She!
    Plume was in the garden, she was hunting!
    I did not have the heart to return: she was so fast, so light, so excited! .
    She was with Zara her mom, my black panther!
    Plume never eats its prey, just the eggs of the nests!

    If Plume reds greens and blues this will be the end of my worries!
    If it's still yellow tonight and tomorrow morning, I'll go to the vet tomorrow afternoon!
    For now, I keep the dose.

    Thank you for the photos of Leo and Dude!
    Real cats .... That's for sure, they like light and heat!
    The day after tomorrow I would like to reread Leo's post, I hope I find him again.
    It's getting late . I'm falling asleep !
    See you soon and thank you again JeffF

    Merci JeffJ vous êtes toujours là !

    Oui, j'ai pensé aux dents, à une infection urinaire ...
    Mais ce soir , Plume vient de faire un vert en + 2 !
    Je voulais la retester mais je ne la trouvais plus !
    Plume était dans le jardin , elle chassait !
    Je n'ai pas eu le coeur de la rentrer : elle était si rapide , si légère, si excitée !!! . Elle était avec Zara sa maman , ma panthère noire !
    Plume ne mange jamais ses proies , juste les oeufs des nids !

    Si Plume refait des verts et des bleus cela sera la fin de mes inquiétudes !
    Si elle fait encore des jaunes cette nuit et demain matin , j'irai chez le vétérinaire demain après-midi!
    Pour l'instant, je garde la dose .

    Merci pour les photos de Leo et de Dude !
    De vrais chats .... C'est certain , ils aiment la lumière et la chaleur !
    Après-demain je voudrais relire le post de Léo , j'espère que je le retrouverais.
    Il se fait tard . Je tombe de sommeil !
    A bientôt et merci encore JeffJ
  4. JeffJ

    JeffJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2016
    That is good to hear that Plume went back down again.
    Sometimes cats have a bounce.
    Sometimes it can last 2 or 3 days.

    Good to hear that Plume has a black panther for a Mom - named Zara!
    They probably hunt together.

    Our cats are funny.
    I posted a video of Little Dude rolling on the ground.
    Little Dude is a "goofball", and he is funny.
    The video is in Leo's birthday thread.

    A tip for you.
    If you click "like" on a post or on a thread,
    Then you get notifications when there is an update.
    They are called "alerts".
    Read some other cat posts and click "like".
    Then you will see updates later if more messages occur in that thread.

    alerts in fdmb.JPG
    Lilli Plume and Plume likes this.
  5. JeffJ

    JeffJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2016
    If you want to read more about Leo, I documented it here.

    Lilli has diabetes from the pancreas.
    Leo has Acromegaly.
    Leo has diabetes from the pituitary tumor near his brain.
    I put the information in Leo's thread so it can help people in the future.

    The biggest treatment was the SRT (radiation).
    I drove Leo from Austin TX to Ft Collins, Colorado in October 2016.
    The radiation did a lot to cure him.
    He was 18.0 units per dose.
    Now he is 3.0 to 4.0 units per dose.

    Leo on porch 06-24-2018b.jpg
    Lilli Plume and Plume likes this.
  6. Lilli Plume and Plume

    Lilli Plume and Plume Member

    Apr 17, 2018
    Hello JeffJ!

    I finally arrived on the Côte d'Azur and a little more free so I will read the file of Léo quietly!
    I thank you for the link ! One of my daughters who lives in Ireland will be there: She will be able to make me a finer translation yet!
    And I will also post for my pen
    See you soon

    Bonjour Jeff!

    Je suis enfin arrivée sur la Côte d'Azur et un peu plus libre donc je vais lire tranquillement le dossier de Léo !
    Je vous remercie pour le lien !Une de mes filles qui vit en Irlande sera là : Elle pourra me faire une traduction plus fine encore !
    Et je vais aussi poster pour ma Plume
    A bientôt
  7. JeffJ

    JeffJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2016
    Ahhhh. La belle vie.
    What a nice vacation to go on.
    Maybe your cats will have more fun than you.

    I looked at the chart of Lilli.
    The numbers look very good.
    Lilli is very well regulated.
    You are doing a great job with Lilli.
    I wish Leo would also be easy to regulate.
    But his sugar bounces around.
    And he has some eating issues, which cause issues with proper doses.
    Enjoy the vacances.

    Leo has another new thread.
    You can just enjoy the pictures!
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