3/23 Jonesy AMPS 383 -2.25u ; PMPS 302 - 2.25; 254@ +4

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Darcy and Jonesy, Mar 23, 2020.

  1. Darcy and Jonesy

    Darcy and Jonesy Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015

    After last evening's "cat chow-chow down" (he got into kibble, no, it wasn't "Cat Chow" brand, but it may as well have been! heehee) I'm honestly surprised he's not even higher!

    Certainly NOT thrilled he hasn't broken that Pink Cloud he's been hovering in, but I am happy he's not in the 400's or higher. I'll count my blessings.

    This morning he'll get an increase up to 2.25. As our work is still open, I pray that tomorrow he doesn't decide to dive bomb down to the bright Grinchy greens while I'm at work, but day by day Darcy . . . day by day. . . :cat:

    Although our work is still open, on the weekend my manager called my coworker and I and said "no more 'shop at home' appointments", which means we're no longer going into people's home. Thank God. We're both so relieved. So I do feel better about work not being shut down. The store is physically large enough that keeping the social distance protocol is easy and comfortable to do.

    I hope this is a better week for everyone, with more stability in our futures. Remember, day by day :bighug:

    Darcy and the crew, Jonesy, Vinnie Van Gogh and Fiona :cat::cat::cat:

    Yesterday http://www.felinediabetes.com/FDMB/...-335-9-pmps-380-2u-340-4.227367/#post-2546967
  2. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    That's not too bad a start for the contraband raid yesterday. Good luck with the new dose. I'm glad you don't have to go into people's homes any more.
    Darcy and Jonesy likes this.
  3. Debra and Yoyo

    Debra and Yoyo Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2018
    Glad you are able to work and feel safe.

    I hope the new dose gets him out from under the "pink cloud"...good luck:)
    Darcy and Jonesy likes this.

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