7/5 Loudogg +6 123 +7 90 +8 63 +8.5 57 +9 60 +10 62 +11 63 PMPS 61 +1 108 +2.5 140

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Amanda and a Loudogg, Jul 5, 2018.

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  1. Amanda and a Loudogg

    Amanda and a Loudogg Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    July 4, 2018 Condo

    Good morning all,
    It was a long night last night. While I expected the AM cycle to be worthless, I was extra disappointed that he hung out in the 300s the entire day. I woke up to get a +9 on the off chance he finally did something with the juice, and the 296 I got I'll just count with the other 300s (close enough for government work, right?). So needless to say, I need to see some action today. For my own peace of mind. :nailbiting:

    The light show was extra loud last night. I had times where I even jumped, so I can't even imagine how it sounded to the kitties. Lou wasn't overtly scared until late when the show really got going. I was thankful that by 11:30 or so he seemed to have calmed down.

    I am beyond hopeful for an active cycle today for Lou. I hope you all have a wonderful day and your kitties surf safely!
    Sue and Luci likes this.
  2. Osha

    Osha Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2016
    Oh, those gosh darn fireworks! They went super late here. I am so thankful I don't have to work today.

    Work the juice, Lou!
    Amanda and a Loudogg likes this.
  3. Amanda and a Loudogg

    Amanda and a Loudogg Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    Whooo!! Here he goes! :) +6 123! I know it was only a day, but I'm so excited to see blue again!

    I am very excited I have today off as well. I didn't sleep well last night (shocker I know). The fireworks went on all day and until at least midnight. DH is DREADING work tonight. Someone offered to take part of his shift and he jumped at it. I don't blame him!
    Sue and Luci and Osha like this.
  4. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Woohoo, I see Mr. Greenie! :D

    So glad we don't have those crazy fireworks on our July 1st - just formal organized ones, not at people's houses. For a while I worked part time at the local shelter. Hated working the day after fireworks (typically Halloween). So many lost pets or injured pets the day after. :(:mad:
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2018
  5. Bobbie And Bubba

    Bobbie And Bubba Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    Looking like a nice cycle. I hate fireworks. If they could just take the noise out of them.
  6. Amanda and a Loudogg

    Amanda and a Loudogg Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    Yes!! I desperately wish for that as well!

    Well Lou is certainly hurtling down the scale today. He's running the gamut! His +8 is 63 and +8.5 is 57. I moved up his afternoon meal from +9 to +8. Still only given him LC.
    Sue and Luci likes this.
  7. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Surf safe Loudogg. Don't forget your life jacket. :cool:
  8. Sue and Luci

    Sue and Luci Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2017
    Hey Amanda and Loudogg!!!:woot::woot:Look at those numbers this afternoon!!! How very exciting for ya'll!!! :D I'm so happy to see he's finally showing you some real surfer dude stuff!:cool::cool: Go Lou, Go!! :cool: Stay up on that board now...keep your lifejacket and your tether on...so you don't go falling in with those nasty sharkies! :eek: Nice that you're able to keep him surfing on only LC...:kiss:Luci inevitably needs some MC to keep her up on the board...she's forever falling off and gettin wid da sharks...:banghead::banghead::arghh:She's quite the one for steering...mostly a diver I'd say:arghh: Keep surfin Lou!!:cool:
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2018
  9. Amanda and a Loudogg

    Amanda and a Loudogg Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    He's cruising pretty well so far, only time will tell how far he'll go. He's at 60 now. He oddly hasn't been finishing most of his meals today. Not sure if that means something's up or if he's just not liking the flavors he's being given. He didn't finish his +8 LC meal, so I went ahead and gave him half a Sheba tray here at +9, which he finished (Whoo!). I'll check him in ... an hour I think. Exciting times!
    Sue and Luci likes this.
  10. Amanda and a Loudogg

    Amanda and a Loudogg Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    WOW! He's surfing like he was born on that surfboard! I was not expecting such a fantastic cycle so soon after the increase, but I will take it! :D:D:D
    Sue and Luci likes this.
  11. Amanda & Shmee

    Amanda & Shmee Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
    Late to the condo sorry I have not been on in a few days, I am sorry about Lou's IAA diagnosis, but since he is doing so well I really hope it has run its course!
  12. LizzieInTexas

    LizzieInTexas Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2016

    Great cycle.
  13. Bellasmom

    Bellasmom Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2018
    Beautiful numbers and I HATE fireworks too
  14. Sue and Luci

    Sue and Luci Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2017
    Impressive run on the lagoon!!! Luci - pay attention - this is how it's done (and no more chocolates!!!) :woot::woot:
    Amanda and a Loudogg likes this.
  15. Amanda and a Loudogg

    Amanda and a Loudogg Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    PMPS 61. I think I'm going for it! :nailbiting:
    Sue and Luci likes this.
  16. Sue and Luci

    Sue and Luci Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2017
    You okay testing tonight? You'll want to get a lot of tests shooting at 61 - but you know your cat best...go with your gut. He needs his medicine to get better - just watch close that he doesn't go visit those nasty ole sharkies down there :( You may want to fed Lou some MC with his PM...so he'll have a little extra carb on board...that's what my plan is next time I get a chance to shoot Luci when she's low - I've done it before but only in the morning when I'm up and ready to test, test, test...and steer, steer, steer...Luci's a diver though - what's Lou like after his insulin kicks in? Even though you're shooting the nadir, not the last number - I still proceed with caution when it's low...
  17. Amanda and a Loudogg

    Amanda and a Loudogg Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    Yes indeed. I thankfully don't have to go back to work until Monday. So I'll be here, we have our hypo kit at the ready. Caleb had to go back to work, but thankfully he'll be done by 9 or 10 this evening, so I'll have backup if I need to take a power nap. :)
    Sue and Luci likes this.
  18. Sue and Luci

    Sue and Luci Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2017
    Excellent plan of action! :woot: Keep us posted...although I'm not a late night gal...lots of others here will be up late and 'watching'...I sure hope he stays up on that board for you and gets to surf the night away:D:D...isn't there a song about that? :smuggrin: Little Surfer Cat...la de dah, la la la...have fun surfing Lou!!:bighug::bighug:
    Amanda and a Loudogg likes this.
  19. Amanda and a Loudogg

    Amanda and a Loudogg Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    Hiya Amanda. It really is good to see you! To say I was surprised about the IAA diagnosis is an understatement. That one at least I was so positive would be negative. It's crazy we both had our boys' blood drawn on the same day, got our results on the same day, and both received positive diagnoses on the same day. Shmee and Lou can be high dose brothers. :cool: Lou's insulin doses never went out of control, but given the great results I've been seeing, I really hope his IAA has broken. If not, I figure at least I know and I can be ready to ramp up his insulin doses as necessary. Many hugs to you and head scritches to Shmee. :bighug:
    Sue and Luci likes this.
  20. Bobbie And Bubba

    Bobbie And Bubba Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    Surf's on!

    I have been offline lately, and I missed the IAA dx. I am sorry to hear that, but right now he is doing great!
    Amanda and a Loudogg likes this.
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