1/9 Jai Jai - AMPS: 432; PMPS: 274, +2: 542; +4: 533

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by heyhollis, Sep 1, 2015.

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  1. heyhollis

    heyhollis Member

    Jul 30, 2015
    Yesterday's Condo: http://www.felinediabetes.com/FDMB/...-527-5-562-8-560-pmps-542-2-553-4-506.143609/

    Thank you very much for more and more people who joined the discussion with Jai Jai's dose. It helped so much!

    Since more and more voices called out to increase Jai Jai's dose. I asked my husband to read your messages, so that we can have a discussion on what to do next.

    I have also consolidated the information, read the SLGS and TR again to consider which one is more suitable at the moment. Perhaps I need to switch to SLGS at the moment, because we are still unsure about adjusting the dose.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
  2. Peg and Toby

    Peg and Toby Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    I was wondering if they shaved Jai Jai's leg when he was at the hospital. It looks like when they shaved Toby's leg to draw blood. His was all red and inflamed for a day or two when he came home.
  3. heyhollis

    heyhollis Member

    Jul 30, 2015
    I don't think they shaved Jai Jai's hair. At first it looked itchy, and a bit painful. He then licked that area very frequently, and it was red. After two days, that area was bald but Jai Jai did not lick again.

    I think it is like, as many suggested here, an irritation with the blood withdrawal or injection, though the vet clinic said they did nothing.
  4. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    I read your post from yesterday and I'm glad to see you posting in this forum. I'm also glad you are going to take the dose up. Because it normally takes time for the depot to build, you could take the dose up at any time. Waiting to increase until the evening of 9/2 is probably waiting too long and you are not likely to see an immediate response to the increase.

    He's so high now that, according to the TR protocol, his dose should go up by 0.5u but I know you will not be comfortable with that. I understand considering your schedule. He's had a couple yellow nadirs lately.
  5. heyhollis

    heyhollis Member

    Jul 30, 2015
    Hi, @Marje and Gracie . I posted a thread daily, the links are provided below:

    Jai Jai's Daily Condo:

    26/8 (Treated HYPO, Back Home)
    27/8 (1st Day of 0.5 Dose, photo at clinic)
    28/8 (Bald spot)
    29/8 (Skin Irritation, Dose Advice)
    30/8 (Skin Irritation, Changed Routine, Loose Stool)
    31/8 (Skin Irritation, Vomited and High Numbers)

    Seeing the yellow PMPS had surprised me a bit. We initially planned to increase Jai Jai's dose tonight if he got a high PS number, but we were hesitant when the PMPS was lower than that of these few days. We did not get hold of what was going on with Jai Jai this afternoon.

    You asked about what was the good dose for Jai Jai, I reviewed the spreadsheet but I cannot find one. 0.75 is too low, 1 is too high and it caused a hypo. There is a possibility that the dose is between 0.75 and 1.0, I have got my calipers ready for measuring tiny doses.

    Thank you for your patience in trying to get me understand the TR and SLGS. Thank you also for taking a look at the main health post and replied. I am sorry that I have not got much to say today, as my brain has been white out.

    Have a good day and thank you for dropping by.
  6. heyhollis

    heyhollis Member

    Jul 30, 2015
    As I will have four days to monitor, I think I at least get to know his nadir, and determine if there should be a change or not. I don't even know how will the 0.75 performs, but I am trying to find a right dose.

    You are right. I dare not to increase his dose to 1, because he did have hypo from this dose.
  7. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010

    Thank you for all the info. I had read back through all his L/L posts so I knew you were posting here, too. I'm glad you are continuing to do so. Remember that if someone doesn't respond, bump your post up or do as Chris suggests and see who is online in L/L that you know and either tag them or PM them. Unfortunately, there is no way for us to get notifications to our private emails with a tag but, for example, I have my PMs set up to notify me right away to my email if I get a PM. Then I am able to respond to the board. Others likely do the same.

    Jai Jai is like many, many kitties here. One dose is too much and the lesser one is too little. That's very common and has occurred in my Gracie for years. But you have to start somewhere with consistency and then gradually build up depending on whether you are following the TR protocol or SLGS. Many of us find we have to just fatten a dose slightly and you will have to work out what that might be using your calipers. but I think first, you need to try some consistency with him.

    Also, keep in mind that 1u might have been too much for him two weeks ago but sometimes things change. And as I stated on his Health condo, that particular cycle on 8/13 where he went lower could have been due to many things. I've had that happen with Gracie and I reduce the dose but sometimes I've eventually had to go back to that dose, and she's done fine. But I respect the protocol and don't take her right back up to a dose that got her low.

    So try the 0.75u and see how he does. Let us know if you are going to stay with TR or switch it SLGS as it will change how we advise you. For SLGS, you will hold the doses longer unless he earns a reduction.
  8. julie & punkin (ga)

    julie & punkin (ga) Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2011
    I see you increased his dose this morning. I think that was a good choice.

    Fingers are crossed that it brings Jai Jai down a little bit. :)
    heyhollis likes this.
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